Thursday, January 13, 2022

13 Jan 2022

Here again to write. It's been three years since the last blog. In 2020, pandemic began and made big changes in our lives.

Today I was browsing my social media wehn a post from a friend gotten my attention. She posted how she missed the way she was, particularly 2017 (we are now at 2022). 

She said all the things she was doing back then--reading, watching, all the youth pleasures she was able to do. Right now she has a child to take care of.

I read through the comments and was inspired by a particular comment which says we should not dwell on the things we missed in the past but enjoy what we have right now. We should not despair over the things we can't do but focus on what we can do. While good memories are understandable to miss, we need to grow from the current situation we have. Or else, we would be living in the past. 

Maybe now happiness is literally getting enough sleep vs reading a book like what it used to be. Here are some thoughts I wanted to share as it has inpsired me today.

1. Accept our current situation. Acceptance will always be the key to growth and growth means propelling us to a new level of experience, knowledge, and path. 

2. Appreciate what we have. While we cannot control what happened in the past or we cannot bring back old memories, appreciating what we have gives us direction. 

3. Be at peace with the truth that change is inevitable. We will always miss what we used to be - the time we don't have to think about any concerns and just play until we're tired; the time we don't think about the bills or responsibilities; the time we were once young and vigrouus to do anything we want. Until we make peace with it, we will just be trapped to the pit of loneliness and despair.

4. Encourage yourself in the Lord. The Word of God is hammer (Jeremiah 23:29) that has the power to change us and be molded again to the person we need to become. The Word of the Lord is the source of hope and be reminded of his promises. In this world, we'll have trouble but He asked us to take heart as He has overcame the world.