Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Christmas in 5 Days

Not my usual December days. It is my first Christmas away from my family and it ain't really cool.

Today's thinking, as well as the other days: Going home. Enduring each day til the day I reach my second goal. There's so much I've learned from the past 7 months here abroad, from people, to work experiences, to really feeling the homesickness and agitation of going home. The dream of going abroad for work has been with me since college and thank God it came true. I am very thankful for this answered prayer but I often catch myself thinking of going home already.

But since I can't just go home without hitting some goals, as I always say, quitting with a goal, I am trying to endure the days til I get to go home.

I miss traveling with my friends, going out for dinner with family, and walking around our own house, and feeling that home-feeling-like-theres-no-place-like-it-anywhere-else. Merry Christmas, PH!

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