Saturday, March 11, 2017

11 Mar 2017

I am learning to love the life I walk on even if it isn't the life I have planned for. To be a personal witness of the life that's unfolding before me than be thinking of the life I would have wanted.

There are times I feel sad about people who should have built me up than tear me down. Or how come there exist misunderstandings despite being honest, or some people could speak but is hesitant to do so. And cycles of brokeness ripples to people, plans, prayers that could have been. All I know is that God can work things out despite the burdens we unitentionally put to people or what we receive from them.

I could be to Europe this year, could have given jobs to locals, have health plans, have been more confident, could have started my versions but for now I must be forgiving, more self-controlled, loving. To continue serving the Lord despite the pains from people I trust. To hold my tongue and refrain from passing on hurtful words. After all, we aim for His will, and it is our holiness amd righteousness. We wanted to bear fruit of the Holy Spirit and not merely successes on plans. These are of eternal value.

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