Thursday, February 2, 2017

02 Feb 2017

Whenever I am asked about my conversion I would always start with, 'I grew up in a Christian community church'. My cousin would bring me to Children Sunday School and I would listen to the Word each Sunday I was brought in. My parents are also God-fearing and they have imparted to us the love of Christ and how it is to be a good person.

Entering into the ministry, I am always asked about my spiritual birthday. As I would recall, my conversion wasn't like that of Saul in the Damascus. It wasn't as dramatic as a retreat event that turned my life into a 180 degrees turn surrendering my life to Christ. It was more perhaps of a series of events that continually changed my life for Him. There wasn't a specific incident, bible study, Sunday service, fellowship but a continuous growth and knowing of Him.

I would only indicate a month and a year, that is October 2000, I was 14, and felt grown up and responsible to my own thoughts and actions. Fond memories of those Sundays that even if it rains I would go to church. I would offer buying food for the guest speaker or put the chairs back to storage room after service. It was the year when my cousin left to get married and I would still go to church.

The hearing and hearing and learning the Word of God has planted seeds in me in which the elders, pastors, Christian books, have watered to grow. In addition, those camps and retreats surely made me remember my pasts and my sins (even the sins I didn't know I committed) I have not been able to dealt with while sitting a a church service. I gave my life over and over to God. I repented. I acknowledge that my life was bound to eternal damnation if it wasn't for the grace of God by the giving of His son, Jesus Christ, to bore my sins and the sins of the world to the cross of Calvary. He redeemed my life that was going to hell.

I am sure I'm still a lot of work. I am far from perfection but what I desire is continuous growth, being faithful til the end. I will always fall short of His glory and thereby cling to His grace and love only.

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