Saturday, April 30, 2016

30 April 2016 Plans

There has been thought rehearsals in the past that I hoped to happen when I come back. Those vivid dreams that used to be my simple joys at waking hours by the bus or streets. Those times helped me endure such hard days abroad.

I remember the phrases once more. 'There's a life we can enjoy even if it is the life we hadn't plan'.

Our twenties are about failing, tweaking, then trying again. The best plan we can make is to continually plan to make new plans. One of the most crucial skills we can learn in our twenties is adaptability. 

'All failure is failure to adapt, all success is successful adaptation'.

Once we are able to adapt despite a life we have not planned is a succesful living.

Knowing that God holds our future, when we surrender it to Him, gives us a whole new meaning of hope more than what we could ever think of.  While we can make plans (Proverbs 19:21). His purpose shall prevail. All things work together for good to those who love God. 

Has your plans been thwarted? Adapt. Thank God for a will and life you can continue to search in Him. We may not understand what's happening but He wants us to trust in Him despite failed plans. Continue to do good work (Gal 6:10) Seek Him continually and put him first. If we dine with Him always, don't you think you will change? 

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