Friday, July 15, 2016

15 July 2016

The past days I have been having frequent heartburns and I am in dire need to exercise again to rechannel my case. Soon when celebation's over I will have to run again. 

I was diagnosed with Bradycardia when I was 24. My heart has a slow resting rate which I and some doctors find cool. Our Pastor also mentioned he has this. The heartbeat is less than 60 per minute.l, which is the usual. 

During my APE in ABSCBN, the doctor who was checking me said she heard murmurs, and that causes arrhythmia, or abnormal heart beatings. The tests confirmed the condition. All APEs resulted same every year. 

I was fat for so long that I couldn't breathe properly and sometimes need brown bag. Maybe it was because of my metabolic concerns, anxieties and recent drug use and doctor said I need to lose weight. 

Since then I had to do some extreme adventures to liven up the beatings of my heart. I run, I went up to mountains, I trek, swim a lot. I push myself to limits of my heartbeat. 

This bradycardia, then gave me slight panic when told but soon discovered in the next APEs how cool it is. Although it could lead to serious health problems, this condition when used properly help people a lot. Highly trained athletes have 'bradycardia athletic' heart syndrome. It helps people to adapt to very hight heart beat during training and thus prevent tachycardia, too high heartbeat. It balances the work of the heart. 

I have never used this condition to justify incapabilities but have been using this to adapt with my activities. I thank God for He can use even these things for us to see blessings in disguises which we only see when we become grateful. He teaches me patience and humility. He gives me room for love and grace. 

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