Friday, March 25, 2016

Day 25 Advise to Self

1. Love yourself.
Your love for yourself (and others) stems from the truth that God loves you. Knowing you are loved by your Creator, you will also love yourself.  How do you love yourself is actually how you love others, it is actually assumed (Matt 22:39).  Loving self doesn't mean we'll become self-centered. It is about caring for your being. Eat right. Exercise. Keep healthy. Keep sheltered and warm. Read. Nurture yourself. Take care of your body (Ephesians 5:29) You have to feel loved by God and that self-love is a product of you taking care of yourself for Him.

2. Give Yourself Grace
Don't blame yourself too much. Learn that when we ask God for forgiveness with a genuine repentance, He forgives and so we should also forgive ourselves. We make ourselves higher than the One who forgives when we don't forgive ourselves. Give yourself grace.

3. Believe in Yourself (through Christ).
Actually, believe that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you (Phil 4:13). If you believe too much yourself, your joy or sadness will come only from you, which can lead to feeling highly praised or condemned. Your joy should always come from Jesus Christ. Your beliefs should be rooted on Him. You can only do it with God because apart from Him you can do nothing. Always stay connected.

You are loved, cared for, and secured in the love of God. Regardless people care or not about you, you know yourself and God has created and love and has been ever looking at you. True security and comfort can only be found in Him.

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