Friday, May 6, 2016

06 May 2016 Pain

I may not be screaming now, the bleeding has stopped, but it left me a scar that runs on the surface of my heart. It pricks at times, more than once in a day. I would literally feel it. My heart murmurs and sometimes it skips a beat. The scar reminds me of how bad it was. Different than before because it is in a state of a concievable exquisite pain. 

I know that there are scars that won't be erased and we'll just have to live with it. That's how it goes, we learn to live it with. Life goes on, so we are. 

What's required of me today, what's the bible is telling is what I must do despite the memory of how the scar went about? That's how I live through. I need to focus on Him til my heart is saturated and pure before Him. 

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